Thank you for visiting the Superintendent Search portion of Fredon Township School's website. The Board of Education will provide updates here regarding progress on the search for our next Superintendent/ Principal (Chief School Administrator). You will find key dates and announcements posted on this page throughout the search. The Board is committed to transparent communication with our school stakeholders, while keeping all confidential information completely confidential. We are excited to partner with you in the search for our town's preeminent new educational leader!
The search is being facilitated by Kathleen Helewa of Kathleen Helewa Educational Associates, LLC. Ms. Helewa is pleased to answer any questions regarding the process.
Thank you for your support of the Fredon Township Board of Education in this important undertaking!
Update August 19
After final interview rounds, The Fredon Township Board of Education* has unanimously identified an outstanding finalist in our Chief School Administrator Search.
We are conducting a robust reference check, and are concurrently in negotiations on an employment contract. We intend to release news on our finalist after the contract has been approved by the Sussex County Executive Superintendent, and to appoint our new CSA at a public meeting of the Board, which will be advertised in compliance with the Open Public Meets Act and published on this page, along with an introductory bio of our incoming Superintendent /Principal.
We thank you for your continued support!
* Non-conflicted Board members only
Update August 9
The Fredon Township Board of Education* conducted first-round interviews this past week with a slate of promising and talented educational leaders, as mentioned in a previous update. From that group, the Board was able to narrow the field to four finalists who will be interviewed for a second time in closed session early next week. The input we received from our stakeholders continues to be of tremendous help in the Board's decision making.
We appreciate your continued support during the CSA Search, and look forward to posting updates on our progress as we move closer to the final steps in this process.
* Non-conflicted Board members only
Update August 8
Special Board meeting dates have changed
Click Revised Board Meeting Schedule 08.08.24 for the new meeting dates and times.
Update August 2
The Fredon Township Board of Education* met on Wednesday, July 31 with our Search Consultant to review fully the application materials submitted by all of the candidates for Chief School Administrator. As per our update of July 24, the job posting drew many very talented , accomplished applicants. We are grateful for all of the candidates' interest in leading the Fredon School.
Using the outcomes from the input survey and input session conducted with our stakeholders, the Board was able to select ten candidates for first interviews who meet the desired criteria for our next educational leader. We will be conducting first interviews in closed session on Monday, August 5 and Tuesday, August 7.
We appreciate your continued support during the search process, and look forward to posting future updates on our progress as they occur.
* Non-conflicted Board members only
Update August 1
Special Board meeting dates have changed
Click Here for the new meeting dates and times.
Update July 25
As of the close of the application window on July 17, forty qualified candidates have applied for the position of Chief School Administrator: 2 current Superintendents, 1 Assistant Superintendent, 4 Directors of Special Services, 3 other Directors, 15 Principals, 5 Assistant Principals, and ten candidates who currently occupy different professional positions. Nineteen candidates have earned doctorates.
To see the full candidate pool report, please visit:
The Fredon Board of Education* will convene in executive session during its meeting on the evening of July 31 to examine each of the candidates' qualifications and to determine who will be selected for first-round interviews, using the insights gained from the online survey, which garnered 45 participants, and the in-person school stakeholder input session in June. Thank you to those who gave their time and offered their thoughts in the input session and surveys.
Check this page for updates as the FBOE moves through the search process. We appreciate your support of the Fredon Township Board of Education during this crucial endeavor.
* Non-conflicted Board members only
Please note meeting dates have changed; see August 1 update above
Update July 17
The Fredon Township Board of Education needs the perspectives of all of our stakeholders as we begin the search for our new Chief School Administrator. Please take a few moments to thoughtfully participate in this brief survey, which is being wholly administered by our Search Consultant.
The survey will close on Wednesday, July 24. All responses are anonymous and will be shared with the Board* to determine the suitability of the candidates for the position, and to formulate interview questions. We appreciate your support in this extremely important undertaking!
*non-conflicted Board members only
Update May 28
The Fredon BOE needs your input in the most important decision that the Board will make: choosing the next Superintendent for our school district. We invite all interested FTS family members and members of our community to join our Search Consultant, Kathleen Helewa, on Tuesday, June 4 at 7pm at FTS to discuss what you think is most important for the Board to consider in choosing our next educational leader.
Ms. Helewa will discuss the timeline and process for the search process as well. Pre-registration is not required.
This is not a public meeting of the FTS Board of Education and school board members will not be present. All outcomes of the session will be presented to the Board in full, anonymously.
For those who are unable to attend, an online input survey will be made available soon. Announcements regarding the survey are forthcoming; stay tuned to this page for more news!
All outcomes from the input sessions and the surveys will be of crucial assistance to the Board throughout the search process in determining which candidates would make the best fit for our District.
Questions may be directed to Ms. Helewa at