Q: What are the hours of operation for Fredon School?

A: The Regular school day hours for PreK - 6 are from 8:15 – 3:15 . On delayed openings the school day is from 10:15-3:15 and early dismissal days are from 8:15-1:00 p.m.

Q: If my child is absent, whom do I call?

A: If a student is going to be absent from school, parents/guardians are asked to call the school nurse (973-383-4151 ext. 1005) or E-mail (Attendance@fredon.org) prior to 8:00 AM and leave a message including the following information: Child’s name, teacher, grade, reason and date of the absence.

Q: What happens if my child becomes ill at school?

A: Tell your child to report to the school nurse for an evaluation. If the nurse determines it is necessary to send your child home, you will be called based on the emergency numbers that you provided.

Q: What time do students have to be in school before they are tardy?

A: All students arriving after 8:20 are considered tardy and should report directly to the main office to receive a late pass.

Q: How do I go about volunteering at the school?

A: First contact your child’s teacher and let them know that you are interested in helping out. We also have a PTC (Parent Teacher Club) and Fredon Educational Foundation which are both excellent ways to volunteer your time and support the Fredon School Community.

Q: How will I know if school is closed?

A: Our Blackboard System will notify all registered households for school closings, delayed openings and early dismissals. Information will appear on our district website at approximately the same time, as well as by broadcasts on our local designated radio stations – WSUS FM 102.3, WNNJ FM 103.7 and WMAX FM 106.3, as well as NBC, CW11, FOX, and NEWS 12.

Q: Do I have to sign up for the Blackboard automated phone system?

A: No, you do not have to sign up. You are automatically enrolled if you have a student in Fredon Township Elementary School.

Q: How will this system benefit parents and students?

A: By being able to contact the home of every student in the district in order to provide important information in a very timely manner.

Q: What if my child loses something at school?

A: Generally, recovered items are kept in the school’s “Lost and Found” location.

Q: What if my child left something at home and needs it for school?

A: The item may be delivered to the school’s main office. Students will be asked to come to the main office to claim the item

Q: How can I arrange for a conference with a teacher?

A: The best way is to either e-mail or call the teacher in advance and ask to arrange for a conference that is mutually convenient.

Q: What if I have a problem?

A: Most problems can be resolved by speaking directly with a classroom teacher. Should this not resolve the problem to your satisfaction, make an appointment with the building principal. Should the situation remain unsolved, a written request should then be made to the Superintendent.